Title IX

What is Title IX?
Title IX is a law passed in 1972 that requires gender equity for boys and girls in every educational program that receives federal funding.  The language of Title IX can be found at 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681 et seq.
At Albany Unified School District we strive to provide equality in our athletic program for all students, regardless of gender.

Title IX has two basic provisions: 1) OPPORTUNITIES to become participants, and 2) BENEFITS, or treatment of participants. 

The Opportunities provision concerns the opportunity for a student to become a participant in the interscholastic athletics program. The Three-Part Test was developed to assess a school’s performance in affording potential athletes chances to participate. The Three-Part Test provides schools with three methods for compliance. Schools achieve compliance in this area by meeting the standard for ONE of the three tests, known collectively as the Three-Part Test. 

Albany Unified School District can satisfy its Title IX requirements under one of the following legal tests. 

• TEST ONE – PROPORTIONALITY: This first test is based on a comparison of the percent of school enrollment for a gender to the percent of participation in sports by that gender. 

• TEST TWO – PROGRAM EXPANSION: The second test is designed to judge the school’s efforts to expand or increase the number of participants for the underrepresented sex –nearly always girls. Usually, schools that achieve compliance with test two have added new sports and teams (for example, freshman, junior varsity, and varsity teams) for girls, which has resulted in a significant increase in the number of female participants. 

• TEST THREE – FULL ACCOMMODATION: The third test assesses whether the school’s athletic program already offers every team for the underrepresented sex, usually girls for which there is sufficient interest and ability to field a team, and sufficient competition for that team in the area where the school normally competes. An Interscholastic Athletics Student Survey should be administered at least every other school year to gather and analyze responses to determine if increasing athletic offerings should be considered. 

A school is required to meet the standard for one of the three tests in order to comply with this Title IX component. Below you will find a comparison of the percent of school enrollment for a gender to the percent of participation in sports by that gender. Proportionality is met when the percentage of the school enrollment for one gender is “substantially proportionate” to that gender’s percentage of participation opportunities.  
Title IX Compliance Committee
Zeke Lopez- Athletic Director (Committee Chair) 
Nancy Henderson- AUSD Teacher
Ike Kaludi- AHS Parent
Kendra Knowles- AMS/AHS Parent
Matt Rasband- AMS/AHS Teacher
Victoria Kaye-Berger- AMS Parent
Tami Rasmussen- AMS Parent
Peter Mazzotta- AHS Student 
Stephanie Berberian- AHS Teacher
Eric Paulovich- AMS Parent/AUSD Staff 
Liz Reimueller- AHS Assistant Principal 
Questions, comments or concerns in regards to Title IX should be sent to the Title IX Committee Chair (Zeke Lopez) at [email protected] 
2017-18 Meeting Schedule (AHS Room 106 at 6:00pm) 
Monday, Nov. 20 
Monday, Mar. 19
Monday, June 4
Guide to Title IX Compliance
The following guide was created to help guide the AUSD Title IX Committee towards Title IX Compliance.


Below is an expenditure report for all athletic department expenses.  

Expenditure Report 2014-15

Expenditure Report 2016-17



The Title IX Annual Audit examines all resources that are made available to all athletic teams.  There are ten components concerning the treatment of student-athletes.  In discussing these components, it is important to clarify that Title IX requires equivalence between the overall girls' program and the overall boys' program. Title IX does not require that the boys' tennis team receive the same benefits as the girls' tennis team, or vice versa. 

Athletic Program Audit 2014-15 (AHS ONLY)

Athletic Program Audit 2015-16 (AMS & AHS) 
Athletic Program Audit 2016-17 (AMS & AHS) 



In an effort to continuously improve upon our compliance with Title IX, the committee has created the following Corrective Action Plan.  

Corrective Action Plan (2014-15) (AHS ONLY)

Corrective Action Plan (2015-16) 
Corrective Action Plan (2016-17) 



All students should have the opportunity to participate in CIF activities in a manner that is consistent with their gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on a student’s records. Should any questions arise whether a student’s request to participate in a sex-segregated activity consistent with his or her gender identity is bona fide, a student may seek review of his or her eligibility for participation by working through the procedure set forth below: Once the student has been granted eligibility to participate in the sport consistent with his/her gender identity, the eligibility is granted for the duration of the student’s participation and does not need to be renewed every sports season or school year. All discussion and documentation will be kept confidential, and the proceedings will be sealed unless the student and family make a specific request.  (See link below for more information)

CIF Guidelines For Gender Identity Participation

Gender Participation      
Albany Middle School Sports      
Boy's Sports 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Football --- --- 21 50
Basketball 60 60 40 47
Soccer 38 23 25 24
X-Country 45 43 56 46
Wrestling 22 30 24 15
Track & Field 60 77 59 52
Ultimate Frisbee       24
Total 225 233 225 258
% of Total 50% 50% 50% 51%
Girl's Sports        
Football --- --- 4 12
Volleyball 36 44 61 75
Basketball 46 43 42 57
Soccer 15 9 6 9
X-Country 56 61 44 38
Wrestling 8 10 10 4
Track & Field 65 67 57 48
Ultimate Frisbee       12
Total 226 234 224 255
% of Total 50% 50% 50% 49%
Totals 450 467 449 513
Schoolwide Enrollment        
Boys 438   477 470
Girls 425   422 447
Schoolwide Enrollment Percentages        
Boys 51%   53% 52%
Girls 49%   47% 48%