Albany Athletics Boosters

                                                 Albany Athletics Boosters
Who we are: A group of coaches, parents, administrators and Albany community members supporting all of the athletes and athletic programs at AHS & AMS.
Our focus: Fundraise to support sports programs, increase Albany Sports Spirit.
When we meet: Usually the 1st or 2nd Monday of each month at 6pm in the Albany Middle School Library. Meeting announcements are posted in the AHS & AMS Daily Newsletter and on the AHS & AMS websites.
• Need:The minimum cost to operate the Albany Athletic Program is $440,000. AUSD provides approximately $260,000 which covers an Athletic Director, AMS/AHS Coach Stipends, & assistance with transportation costs. AAB (Albany Athletics Boosters) is responsible for raising the other $180,000. Together, these funds pay for equipment, coaches' stipends, tournament fees, officials, uniforms, transportation, Athletic Assistant & Athletic Trainer, - all to support all Albany student-athletes.

• Per-athlete obligation: To meet this responsibility, each team is expected to raise a minimum of $225 per athlete (AHS), $140 per athlete (AMS), per season. This money goes through the AAB (Albany Athletics Boosters) account and is used to meet the basic needs of our Athletic teams. Anything raised “above and beyond” the $225/$140 minimum is designated back to the team and is available for “extras” like warm-up suits, sweatshirts, etc.
• Fundraising examples:
• Athlete provides the $225/$140 requested donation at time of sign-up for a sport
• Concession sales
• Spirit Wear sales
• Gift card sale
• Corporate Sponsor Banners
• Tournament: Golf, Wrestling, Volleyball, Basketball
• Team Example: If the Rugby team has 30 players, they are required to raise $6,750 to pay for the operating expenses (salaries, uniforms, transportation, tournament fees, officials, etc.) for our Athletic Program. Any money they raise beyond $6,750 is available for the team to use for things other than basic needs.
• Teams that consistently fail to meet their fundraising obligations may be dropped as a sponsored sport (simply because we can’t afford it).
Meeting Minutes
Click HERE for past meeting minutes.

To volunteer or to find out more details about fundraising, please contact one of the Albany Athletics Boosters (AAB) executive committee members.

Bahrt Arellano

Vice President 
Julie Brady

Renu DaSilva

Erika Ferguson


The Albany Unified School District is faced with a financial crisis, as are most school districts in California. Funding for AHS & AMS sports and the athletic department has been drastically reduced. In order to sustain the current athletic program, we must come up with $180,000, each school year.

We are asking each family of an athlete to donate $225 per athlete (AHS), $140 per athlete (AMS), per season. Albany Athletics Boosters is doing an aggressive fundraising effort, and individual sports will fundraise, as well. 100% of all money raised is used to cover the basic expenses including officials, transportation, equipment, uniforms, maintenance/upkeep of our facilities, and coaching stipends.

All donations in any amount are accepted, and your contribution is tax-deductible (TIN: 94-2848588). Please send your donation with the donation form to: Albany High School, Albany Athletics Boosters, 603 Key Route Blvd., Albany, CA, 94706. Together, we can keep Albany Athletics an integral part of our school community!

To make a donation to Albany Athletics Boosters or any AHS or AMS sports team click on the PayPal Link below or download the Albany Athletics Boosters donation form below.

When making a donation using PayPal please be sure to click the tab that says “add special instructions for seller” to indicate your CHILD'S NAME AND WHICH TEAM should be credited with the donation. 

Corporate Sponsor Program
Albany Athletics Boosters would like to promote your business at our home athletic events. All proceeds from our sponsorship program will be used to support the Albany Athletics Program. If you would like to partner with Albany Athletics Boosters just download the packet below. If you have any questions, please contact Astrid Juengling, Athletic Director, [email protected] 

Deposits & Reimbursements
Please download the following forms to submit a deposit to Albany Athletics Boosters or to request a reimbursement. All reimbursements/check requests must include receipts/invoices and must be approved by the Athletic Director before it can be processed.  Drop requests in the boosters box in the AMS or AHS office. Please note on the envelope whether your request is a deposit or a reimbursement.

Download this form to make a deposit.

Download this form to request a check/reimbursement.

Let’s work together to support all of our wonderful student-athletes!

Go Albany!!