Albany is a unique
community, packing a breadth of economic, ethnic, and other diversity into one
square mile. It is located at the northern end of Alameda County between El
Cerrito, Berkeley, and Kensington.
University Village provides family housing to visiting professors and
students and plays a big hand in contributing to the diversity of our
schools. Albany's schools are the focal
point of the community. Many families choose to locate here, in spite of the
high real estate prices, because of the schools, and the town is united in its
commitment to supporting education.
As the only middle
school serving the community, Albany Middle School guides approximately 900
students through the transformation of early adolescence from 6th grade through
8th grade. They arrive from three elementary schools as well as nearby private
schools and matriculate to one high school. The total PreK-12 enrollment is
approximately 3900. The community of Albany is largely college-educated,
economically and ethnically diverse, and involved. No one ethnic group holds a
majority in the district. AMS students are currently 41.2% Caucasian, 32.5% Asian,
16.9% Hispanic/Latino, and 5.9% African-American. We also have 3.5%
Filipino/Pacific Islander. Students whose home language is not English is
35.5%, with a wide variation of home languages and cultures, providing a rich
diversity in our schools.
The middle school
facility is sixteen years old. There are 20 standard classrooms, three fully
equipped science labs, an art room, music room, a computer lab, three special
education classrooms, two of which are adjoined for more flexibility in
instruction, and a full size gym. Additionally, there are five portables on our
campus, one old one in poor repair, and four of which are new this year and
were placed into what was our teacher parking lot, while the San Gabriel campus
is being designed. The teacher parking
lot is temporarily located on the San Gabriel campus.
In addition to the
computer lab, there are a full set of older computers in the library, a couple
of networked computers in each classroom for student use, and eleven chrome
carts. The entire school is networked
with both hardwired and wireless internet access in every room. Every classroom
is equipped with a ceiling-mounted LCD projector. These projectors are
connected to a document camera, and a laptop computer to provide a variety of
visual displays and video with sound.
We also added a Lightspeed amplification system with two microphones,
one for the teacher and one for students, to every classroom last year.
AMS has a library on site. The library has a print collection of over
12,000 titles. The library provides a
variety of services and programs under the guidance of a fully credentialed
librarian, a library technician, and several highly-trained parent volunteers. The library is used throughout the day for
classes to work on units such as research and poetry. Additionally, our library is consistently
packed with students at lunch if it is not being used for other trainings or
The facilities are
not designed for the large size of our student body. We estimate the facility to be adequate for
approximately 650 students and we currently have approximately 900
students. We use every classroom almost
every period and therefore, some teachers use rolling carts to travel from
class to class. This impacts the set-up
of classrooms, reduces instructional time, and limits teachers’ abilities to
connect with students before and after class.
Most teachers who do not move classrooms do not have access to their
empty classrooms until after school hours.
Some classrooms are also used after school for programming that benefits
our students. Our facilities are also
lacking enough science labs to easily serve all 7th and 8th graders and 6th
graders never have lab access. A fourth
lab would have a hugely positive impact on our ability to provide quality
science instruction. Additionally, we do
not have a multi-use room for students to eat indoors when it rains or for
assemblies and other events. We are
hopeful that when the San Gabriel campus is built, one of our current
classrooms could be transformed to a science lab, and a multi-use room could be
built, to meet the needs and maximize
student learning at Albany Middle School.