We have a number of volunteer opportunities that come up year after year. For most of these opportunities, we will make announcements on the main homepage and/or email parents and guardians directly for volunteers when the time has come for us to start organizing. Here are some examples:
August: Our student orientation, in which students receive important information and supplies for the upcoming year, runs so much smoother when we have volunteers! We will make an announcement on our website and via email in August to set up orientation volunteers.
October: The 6th grade Halloween Party is a long-standing and much-beloved tradition at Albany Middle School. The party is on the afternoon of Halloween during school. This party has a wonderful and fun structure to it and is super memorable for students. It is also largely organized by parents and guardians! We reach out to 6th grade families in late September or early October to look for volunteers, so keep an eye out for that email!
January–March: WriterCoach Connection works with every 8th grader at AMS on their I-Search Research and Multi-Media Project. You volunteer just 90 minutes a week for eight weeks to coach one-on-one with the students during English class to give positive feedback, encouragement, and suggestions on their writing. All language speakers welcome: it is about discussing ideas, not perfect editing. Sign up for a 30-minute orientation at www.writercoachconnection.org or get in touch with the AMS site coordinator, Jane Gitelman, at [email protected]. The program is open to all adults, not just AMS parents/guardians.
Throughout the year: We rely on AMS parents and guardians to help chaperone field trips and dances. Chaperones are organized by teachers, who reach out to families as the trips are planned. When we need dances for chaperones, we will make an announcement on our website and the Cobra Connection.