8th Grade Families

Hello Eighth Grade Families,

Promotion is almost here.  On Thursday, June 11th at 6pm, we will be hosting a Youtube Premiere ceremony.  The link will be sent out on Wednesday morning.  The program is attached.  No logging on will be needed.  You will simply click on the link and it will begin at 6pm.  We will also make the video available later so you can download it to save it if you'd like. 
Again, consider how to make this night special in your home.  Some ideas are: everyone dresses up like you would for the real ceremony, cook some special foods or order takeout from a favorite place, be intentional about creating a feeling of ceremony when you sit down to watch as a family.  Take some pictures to remember this moment in the future.  While we are all disappointed to not be able to gather in person, this is a unique circumstance for them to remember fondly in the future, and pictures can help with that.  
Also, remember some of our parents put together a couple of extra special pieces:
  • A virtual yearbooks to post on. Just visit https://tinyurl.com/AMS-2020.
  • Promotion posters that you can also pick up any from the porch from one of these Albany homes: 640 San Gabriel Ave. / 1049 Neilson St. / 722 Key Route Blvd/ 824 Santa Fe Ave
  • A banner that will be arriving soon & will be hung at AMS.
Thank you,
Deb Brill, Principal
Albany Middle School
1259 Brighton Ave.
Albany, CA  94706