Recent Events

Dear AMS Community,

I wanted to reach out in light of the recent racially-charged social media incident at AHS. While this happened with high school students, this event impacts the entire community. It is so painful to see what our young people, what the children in OUR community are being forced to contend with. I hope that you will help all of your children process this. I hope that we can find ways to show support for the students who were targeted. I hope those students who were targeted and their parent/guardians can feel an outpouring of support from their community. Our community.

We will be hosting a meeting to look at race in our schools, to talk about the types of interactions that students are faced with, and to see what more we can do as a school and as a community to educate, to prevent, and to address.
Our African American students, families, and staff as well as students, families, and staff  of color need to know that we as their community stand behind them.  What happened is not okay and has no place in our community.
In partnership,
Deborah Brill, Principal