Cobra Caughtcha Winners:
6th grade: Nasim Mansour
7th grade: Maggie Ju
8th grade: Lindsey Hori
Calling all artists! AMS needs two great pieces of artwork for this year's Unity Week T-Shirt. The designs should symbolize "unity" and must clearly include the words, "AMS Unity Week." Draw your design in black ink on white, printer-sized paper. The winning artists get $50 cash prizes! Designs are due to Ms. Uyeda's mailbox by Friday, January 26.
8th graders, bring your kiddie pictures for the yearbook to Ms Lewit. The deadline is next Friday, January 19th.
Students, please do not have food delivered to school for lunch. If you do have food delivered, we will hold it in the office until the end of the day.
At lunch today:
- Anime Club is meeting in Portable 1
- Photography Club Members, there is a Photo Challenge starting in room 214
- Noontime sports is offering tumbling, dance and gymnastics this week in the gym. 7/8th grade wait outside until 1:00 or when Mr. Peters or Rogers lets you in.
- Attention Artists! A new club is starting! This is an art club for 7th and 8th graders who are interested in creating a permanent piece of artwork for the school library. Each student will receive a blank ceiling tile to paint inspired by a famous book. Please check out the ceiling tiles that are already up in the library for examples. If this is something you are interested in you MUST attend an information meeting in the art room today at 12.45. You may bring your lunch.
Come out and support the 7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball teams as they host King in the gym today. The 8th Grade team will play first at 4:00, followed by the 7th Grade game at 5:00. Hope to see you there!