Announcements: Monday, April 30th

Cobra Caughtcha Winners:

6th grade: Scarlett Blythe

7th grade: Ashley Zhang

8th grade: Hana Seidner

8th graders, if you have not turned in your promotion standards, please return them to the office/Ms. Minka ASAP.

At lunch today:

  • Latino Club is meeting in Portable 2
  • DGSA is meeting in room 210
  • Spanish Club is meeting for a VERY QUICK 10 minute meeting.  Get your lunch first.
  • Noontime sports is offering table tennis in the gym.  Please wait at the white line until a PE teacher lets you in.

Tomorrow will be the last after school Stage Crew meeting.

Garden Club will meet in the garden tomorrow during lunch.

Hi, this is Colin Dickson, I am in 8th grade and I have autism. Here is a list of famous people who have autism or are suspected to have autism:

-Temple Grandin- animal behaviorist, professor and advocate for people with autism

-Charles Darwin (suspected of having autism because of his extreme focus)- best known for the theory of evolution.

-Mozart- a classical music composer in the 1700s. His music is still very popular today.

-Albert Einstein- known for his work in physics. He also helped invent the refrigerator. It’s not known for sure if he was autistic. But he showed signs such as not talking until he was 3 and he was sensitive to touch.

-Dan Aykroyd, the actor from the original Ghostbusters. He has Aspergers Syndrome and his special interests are ghosts and law enforcement. That’s how the idea for the movie Ghostbusters came about.

Thanks for listening.