Announcements: Monday, September 24th

Cobra Caughtcha Winners:

6th grade: Ben Lin

7th grade: AJ Franklin

8th grade: Egnegt Odbayar

This week, we continue to honor Latinx heritage. We recognize the Bolivian American math teacher, Jaime Escalante. Escalante is famous for helping struggling students in Los Angeles pass the AP Calculus test year after year. Escalante always loved math and celebrated his indigenous Aymara heritage, often saying that “The Aymara knew math before the Greeks and Egyptians.”

At lunch today:

  • GSA is canceled today. Please keep your ears out as we will have a meeting later this week to plan for Club Feature Day this Friday.
  • Returning Earth Teamers, we are having a meeting in room 109 to prepare for the club day. Come join us!
  • Noontime is offering futsol, aka indoor soccer, in the gym at lunch today.  All abilities welcome, come down and have fun!

As you are headed down to the field, please make sure that you place your backpacks on the white, painted lines between the courtyard and the field.

Volleyball Games today against Orinda in the AMS gym!  Please note the change: 8A and 7B will play at 4:00, 8B and 7A will play at 5:00.   

Join the brand new Dungeons and Dragons club! It will meet at lunch every Tuesday in room 107. No experience necessary to join! If you have any questions, please come and find Mr Kim or Runn K (7th grader).

Cross Country runners, your next meet at Martinez Jr High is Thursday.  You need to be in uniform and on the bus at 2:45.

This Friday during lunch is our second annual Club Feature Spirit Day. Many AMS clubs will host an activity or game in the courtyard.  This day is a great chance to enjoy and observe the many wonderful opportunities offered to students, as clubs are a great way to make new friends! Hope you can come out and join the fun!

If you have a locker that has a lock on it that was not assigned by the school, please remove it today. All locks that weren’t issued by the school will be cut off on Monday and Tuesday. Please see Mr. Haupert if you have any questions.